Electricity station
Opah sunfish bluntnose knifefish upside down catfish cobia spookfish convict cichlid cat shark saw shark
2.57 KWp
Power of station
$ 2.400
52.673 KWh
Yearly Output

Solar panels station
Mummichog paradise fish! Triggerfish bango guppy opah sunfish bluntnose knifefish upside down catfish co
2.57 KWp
Power of station
$ 2.400
52.673 KWh
Yearly Output

Windmil installation
Halosaur duckbilled barracudina, goosefish gar pleco, chum salmon armoured catfish gudgeon sawfish white
2.57 KWp
Power of station
$ 2.400
52.673 KWh
Yearly Output

Electricity station
Opah sunfish bluntnose knifefish upside down catfish cobia spookfish convict cichlid cat shark saw shark
2.57 KWp
Power of station
$ 2.400
52.673 KWh
Yearly Output

Solar panels station
Mummichog paradise fish! Triggerfish bango guppy opah sunfish bluntnose knifefish upside down catfish co
2.57 KWp
Power of station
$ 2.400
52.673 KWh
Yearly Output

Windmil installation
Halosaur duckbilled barracudina, goosefish gar pleco, chum salmon armoured catfish gudgeon sawfish white
2.57 KWp
Power of station
$ 2.400
52.673 KWh
Yearly Output